A Journal of Thoughts and Ideas
I/U Matters


Welcome to my blog. This is a space where I share some of the ideas I ponder. I hope my thoughts give you something to think about.

As I have said in my first post, I am an introvert by nature.  Well, actually, an online Meyers-Briggs tells me I am a borderline Introvert/Extrovert.  But I’m slightly more Introvert than Extrovert.  Regardless, writing publicly often leaves me feeling exposed, vulnerable.  Some people think I have something important to say.  I like to think so on occasion.  This is my attempt to share my thoughts with the world.  A step my small still voice tells me I need to take.

Who am I?  I am many things too numerous to mention, as are we all.  I am old and young at heart.  I am 60+, 39, and 5.  That’s chronologically, mentally, and emotionally.  Where I live depends on the day, hour, and minute.  Some say my 5-year-old comes out to play far too often.  Some days she doesn’t come out often enough.  A friend tells me that I can drop the last digit in any age ending in zero because zero is merely a placeholder.  I guess that now makes me 6.  Maybe my 5-year-old grew up and matured a little this year.

I am a woman, a sister, a writer, an office worker, a healer, an advocate, a deep thinker, a computer geek, a philosopher, an electrician, a speaker, a Friend (Quaker), a friend, once a daughter, a deeply spiritual person, a teacher, a coach, a carpenter, a crocheter, and so much more than I can think of at this moment.

As I tell people, if nothing else, my life gives me experience.  I am blessed because my experiences allow me to relate to people from many walks of life.  I’ve been rich, poor, homeless.  I’ve worked in Fortune 500 companies and worked with gang members.  I’ve walked into prisons (and been allowed to leave same day!)  I love people from and have found beauty and warmth in all cultures.  I have 1.5 Masters degrees and feel like I have no viable skills valued by today’s job market. I am told that I have many skills, talents, and ideas that the world desperately needs though.  I have a calling to help the world become a better place and am just now feeling like I can answer this calling after running from it for 20 years.  I am serious and irreverent.

Am I a hot mess?  Absolutely.  Aren’t we all?  And I can still find humor in it and embrace it joyously!  Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

With Love and Light,
